Monday, February 23, 2009

Turkey Pizza

I was inspired by the “starter” ingredient to make this dish: Pizza Bread from Loma Linda bakery in Loma Linda. I used the small size pre-baked pizza bread, a variety which—to a degree—resembles foccacia.

To this I added about half a 14-ounce jar of Prego Italian sauce (fresh mushroom flavor). Then about four ounces of shredded cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese, followed by close to half a pound of cooked ground turkey, some sliced black olives, and sliced red bell pepper.

I baked it on a cookie sheet in a 425° oven for 15 minutes. I’m thinking I could have gone an extra five minutes for a bit more doneness, although the meat portion was obviously pre-cooked. 

The result was a tasty, “deep” pizza, but definitely not a user-friendly finger food. A knife and fork works best for this dish. I will need to experiment with other ingredients in the near future.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Made Chicken Piccata

A couple of days ago on the Food Network Channel, Ina Garten made a terrific-looking Chicken Piccata, so I decided I’d download her recipe and give it a try.

Well, the results were to die for. It was so darn good that I ate the entire recipe. There were no leftovers. I took no prisoners!

I sided the chicken with steamed broccoli, over which I poured some of the piccata sauce (which by the way is a tasty butter-wine-lemon juice reduction). 

A sprig of parsley added the final touch to this dish, and I ate it with a glass of white wine, a rather unassuming 2007 Douglas Hill Chardonnay which I purchased at Stater Bros. Market for under $3.00 a bottle. You can’t beat that deal with a stick.

Anyway, for how quickly this meal can be prepared, I definitely will be doing it again in the very near future. It is definitely providing stiff competition for my Pakistani Chicken entrée.

Well, I think I must get back to finishing off that bottle of Chardonnay. Later!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Joined Bonanzle

This afternoon I registered an account with Bonanzle is an eBay alternative. For what it’s worth, I will be giving it a shot in the next few days as far as listing an item for sale.

The recent rash of changes at eBay have precipitated an exodus of many eBay users over to Bonanzle. Bonanzle is certainly simpler to use and has lower fees. The problems that I can see with it, however, are:

(1) Much smaller amount of traffic. Currently there are 26,270 users. Compare that to eBay with 10,000,000 users. However, the membership appears to be growing exponentially. Currently there are over 1 million items listed for sale.

(2) There is (as of yet) no auction format. I would need to pick a fixed price for my artwork and hope to sell it for that.

(3) I just might have a problem selling my nude artwork, especially drawings/paintings of celebrity nudes. But I figure that, at this early stage, I have very little to risk losing.