Thursday, May 14, 2009

Listed 24 new pieces this evening on eBay

This week I've decided to slam eBay really hard. I've got some new pieces listed and I hope they do well, despite the fact that they are scheduled to end on the Memorial Day weekend.


Philip Dean Gray said...

Hi Ernie,

I absolutely love your drawings,
they are absolutely georgeous.
I am also an artist working on pinups and also with a realistic style.
my blogspot is:

Will keep a look out for your work in the future !!

Kind regards,

Ernie said...

Hi, Philip. Thank you for the comments!

I had a look at your work and it looks extremely professional... very tight and polished. Do you sell on eBay?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you would be able to help me locate D. Johnston Hays.
In 1982 she did my portrait in pastels at the Central City Mall. I also bought another pastel-on-brown-paper(copy of a Rubens). I am in the process of cataloging the art I have collected over the years and would love to talk to her, where ever she might be.
Susan Arratia